(Alexander Wang jacket, vintage everything else)
Saturday was stormy and the day was spent half-dressed..re-reading my favorite parts from Franny and Zooey, cleaning, and trying to make stir fry work with a really bare fridge. Peanut butter and raspberry jam and soymilk bare. Then I remembered that LF was having a sale so I dragged Colin along to La Jolla and made out with the only mid-height boots I've been okay with for a long time and a couple sweaters that required holding in the air four different ways before being able to make sense of them. We walked down to the beach to see how wild the ocean looked (very) and then ran back to the car in record time when the downpour began. Drove up to Mt. Soledad to see the cross on top of the city through the mist, tentatively evacuated vehicle safety to take a couple photos and break in the new boots properly in the mud, half froze to death in the sharp wind, and spotted seven bunnies scampering along on the grass. Felt very accomplished when I managed to photograph them in time.
Somewhere in between boring and perfect.
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there's no way out this fade out