(Alexander Wang jacket, vintage sheer shirt, skirt, scarf, and metal mesh bag, Balenciaga sandals, Grey Ant sunglasses)
I started the morning off cutting into an unripe mango and forcing myself to eat it anyway, opening the door to the UPS guy in an awkward non-outfit, and alarmed by the sudden existence of Google Buzz on my screen, and I really think all of this happening within ten minutes of waking up set the rest of my day off kilter. So the plan to spend the day packing to leave for NY the next morning (well, now this morning) and fitting in an event in downtown SD before we left somehow turned into Colin and I driving to Newport Beach to do something that took five minutes and with canceled flights that now have us arriving in New York on Sunday instead. Awesome. But must have been meant to be. I'm pretty depressed about missing so much but 70 degree temperatures for the next couple days sound a lot more friendly than a legitimate blizzard.
And the clothes...still obsessed with this jacket and I thrifted the massive scarf a couple weeks ago. I love how it obscures all it touches and takes center stage. I always wonder why so many scarves aren't designed with about five times more volume but I guess I don't have to anymore.
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do you feel what you're not supposed to feel