(Alexander Wang dress, Balenciaga sanadals)
Went with the hair up in the end.
Last month the W San Diego sent along an invite to stay a night and see the Gossip play..the whole champagne and strawberry treatment..literally. It's always somewhat of a surprise to have anything blog-related happen in San Diego since this city counts fashion pretty low on its list of priorities, which is actually kind of nice sometimes to be honest. But I've been to this location a bunch of times before and it smells really good (seriously, every last air particle in the building is subtly aromatic), provides beach ball shaped pillows in the rooms that are the perfect size and weight to throw at other humans, and has a really good pool. So I grabbed my favorite people and got sort of dressed up for once..ended up having a pretty unforgettable time. Thank you to Grace for everything and sorry we only have photos of the ride there...battery issues..but it seems I got the ridiculous poses out of the way early on anyway. Definitely not the first time that's happened, you'd think we would have learned by now to bring an extra. Beth Ditto was ♥.
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the gossip