(Zara henley, Stylestalker skirt, Target scarf, vintage clutch and cuff, Jimmy Choo x H&M ankle boots)
After a delirium-inducing 13 hour drive north we made it for a Whole Foods Thanksgiving with my family complete with two kinds of pumpkin pie, three kinds of whipped cream, and countless bottles of champagne. Totally worth the hell it was getting through LA and the sketchy gas stations bathroom stops along the way. The next day we had a room booked in downtown SF and tried to go Black Friday shopping..even though I can barely take the crowds on any given non-occasion. I came out one henley and a pair of shoes richer. Said shoes have become the source of much ridicule from my loved ones and made me limp from the blisters they've induced (one trip to Walgreens for no show socks and Band-aids almost made things right again) but I stand by them. Kind of the cracked out version of my vintage pair. More disturbing than my apparently horrifically ugly shoes, well maybe just funny, was the amount of people that started taking pictures of Colin taking pictures of me. This happens only sporadically in San Diego but the guys up here actually have the equipment along with the gall to wink at Colin as we run away. And run away we did.
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powell st.
the city w/ the broken champagne bottle
(Zara leather jacket <- size small for those who asked, American Apparel circle scarf, RVCA Sinner dress, Forever 21 headband and cutoff jeans, vintage ankle cowboy boots, Pamela Love cross ring, Balenciaga bag)
Most comfortable outfit ever...I can't believe I've found flat footwear I love this much. I almost feel like I'm cheating on myself. And yeah it's fun to dress a little more boyish sometimes. By which I'm not referring to SD's plaid shorts uniform that crept into the background here..
Getting ready to leave for my parent's house in the Bay Area for Thanksgiving and hopefully some hunting around in my closet up there, annoying my brother, and screwing around in the city. Luckily for me my mom keeps the menu somewhat Japanese influenced...I've officially been a pescatarian for a year now and I don't think I'm going back. Much to everyone I know's chagrin. Apparently this is a choice that makes people want to immediately buy you steaks (at Fleming's, even!) and go on In-n-out rampages? And then there are the rest who just think I'm kidding.
do you dream in black and white
(vintage sweater and belt, American Apparel bull denim shorts, Zara leather jacket, Elizabeth and James earrings, Pamela Love cross ring, Chanel backpack)
Sometimes the living room doesn't quite cut it but the nights are almost too cold to pull this crap off. My feet were frozen and I had to change into boots by actual exit time.
Re-loving headbands, red lips, and this tshirt-thin sweater with an ever so slightly more open knit on the sleeves.
cross your heart
(Alexander Wang cardigan, Ray-ban Retro Cat sunglasses, vintage dress and Chanel bag, H&M lariat necklace, Dolce & Gabbana wedges)
The air was so dry today that my hair dried stick straight and no amount of product seemed to do anything to it. I have very situational hair to the point that it's not really worth it to try to make it do anything so I gave up after a couple clumsy pawings. Did some wandering around downtown San Diego as the sun set (note the lightning fast loss of light), found a dog that ignored me, and fell for Domo-Kun marketing. In all honesty the downtown here is pretty worthless aside from a few restaurants..but maybe I'm just spoiled being right by the beach with everything I need in a mile radius. In any case, I'll be in LA and San Francisco in the next couple weeks so YAY.
And clothes etc etc I LOVE my new rather dramatic Wang cardigan and have finally found a new pair of sunglasses to cherish/smash into tiny purses/lose in my car. Becoming more and more obsessed with black and gold and haven't taken off this sideways cross necklace...my second Etsy purchase ever. Place still kind of freaks me out and I've grown pretty attached to eBay. I can really only take so many websites that require registration especially since I always try to top my last cleverly obscure password to keep things interesting for myself.
saturday night feels alright
(vintage sequin dress and clutch, Forever 21 striped tights)
Got everything I need: iPhone, piles of jewelry, freshly painted matte navy nails, Russh to flick through, laundry to ignore, clutch to stuff, Kumo, and the whole night ahead of me. Hopefully my mom isn't reading this because I totally stole the bamboo shade from her.
Jalouse is by far one of my favorite magazines so I was so excited to be featured in it last month. Finally got my hands on a copy! If you speak French check it out here.
Also as you can see in the sidebar, Bloglovin' and I are working together this week - if you don't already use it, it's a great way to stay updated with all of your favorite sites and you can follow me here.
(American Apparel sexuali-tee, Forever 21 stirrup leggings, Zara leather jacket, vintage belt and bag, Dolce & Gabbana wedges)
Trotting back to my car after lazily eating a 4:00 lunch on Sunday at one of my favorite restaurants. Mahi-mahi sandwich on sourdough with avocado always works. I know this is probably the most basic of silhouettes ever and possibly more reminiscent of my style last year but somehow this belt and these wedges embolden me to water everything else down. Pieces like these are so ideal for mornings when I stare at my closet blankly, unwilling to sift and shove hangers around. Which actually happens a lot. Best quick fix is to zero in on one thing and force yourself to construct around it. If crawling back into sheets still warm from body heat isn't an option, of course. Which it really should be more often.
mercury rising
(vintage jacket and silver dress, Target tights and headband, Dolce & Gabbana wedges, Alexander Wang bag)
Both metallic and supershort (not afraid to say that I found it in the shirt section of the thrift store), this thing is an instant mood lifter and probably the only "liquid look" I'm interested in right now. Spent the weekend balancing working on a few projects and having the normal mindless fun. Also went up to RVCA late last week - finished up my hangtags and picked out the exact nude (and possible prints..) that the Machinery dress is going to come in and did some shopping around there..picked up the Comme des Garcons wallet of my dreams at The Lab with one of my favorite humans in the world Chris and some crazy old vintage belts and a cashmere button front hoodie with my beautiful Kristin at her favorite vintage store in Huntington. Now time for bed before true delirium sets in.
uniform dressing
(Borders & Frontiers tshirt available via the sidebar..both in size large, black Levi's shorts, Sam Edelman Zoe boots, vintage clutch)
The collaboration t-shirt that I posted about here, two ways. I was kind of nervous about it but the vintage effect on the photograph came out perfectly. I promise that we wore it on different days.
To purchase:
100% Certified Organic Cotton. Collaboration with Borders&Frontiers Hand Printed. Size S/M/L. Unisex. Made to order. £26, Shipped from 2 weeks worldwide (please be aware delivery times dependent on location)
night as princess mononoke
I was toying with the idea of being Edie but the hair was holding me back..wig = too much effort. Happening upon my friend Chris' fake blood he had left in our downstairs bathroom from his motorcycle accident costume last year, the image of a bloody faced Princess Mononoke/San came to mind. The movie is set in early Japan...hardly your average princess, San was raised by wolves and rejected human society even after experiencing true love. Hardcore. Basically, you should watch the movie if you haven't already. Unfortunately this idea struck me a few hours before I needed to actually be in costume so it really isn't perfect..and prepartying at the house didn't help cause I just kept on piling on the accessories.
What I ended up with: random borrowed costume dress + cheap neckpiece from Halloween store + LD Tuttle boots topped off with ripped up and stapled faux fur bits + vintage belt and hooded coat + furry hood from the inside of a jacket I haven't worn forever + cuffs from Kristin + Forever 21 eyelashes I bought on a whim months ago + the blood that I tried avoiding getting near my mouth after discovering it tasted disgusting. Thanks to our buddy (with the metal breastplate and real sword he welded into its sheath himself to make sure it wouldn't be drawn) for lending Colin some matching attire even after I tried to convince him there's no boy version of this costume. Silly boys. I ended up deciding he was my wolf brother. Oh and yeah, the blood got everywhere.
- it's not a cigarette, it's a straw..I don't know how many times I've said I don't smoke but I don't..I hate cigarettes..but I love straws
- no one here is mocking pimps, Romans, Japanese feudalism, milk drinkers, any facet of American culture. or wolves that adopt humans
- sorry for the meat market