(H&M jacket, secondhand tshirt, Topshop patent leather skinnies, Emma Cook for Topshop boots, Forever 21 bag)
I can't say the weather was too pleasant in San Francisco for our briefest of stays but when is it ever, right? Can always rely on seeing tourists in flip flops though. Our trip was nonstop. We stayed at my parent's house the first night after a long drive up the 101, barely catching my dad to hang out for a bit before he left for Japan the next morning. He and Colin get along to a degree that confounds me..sometimes I have to vacate the area while they sample obscure beers, unveil all kinds of embarrassing infantile photos, and threaten to disappear in a cloud of cigar smoke beneath his vintage rifle. Disturbing. We checked into our hotel on Nob Hill the next day after I did the requisite hunting for old clothes that suddenly seem interesting again (rasta crochet bikini, hooded robe-like sweater) and got a little crazy with the champagne and the iPod until receiving a call asking us to simmer down due to a couple noise complaints. Nice hotel = old people that go to sleep at 9:00. So he apologetically said anyway. Took to the streets bundled up, froze anyway, and were exposed to far more exercise than was necessary due to the almost 90 degree slopes surrounding in all directions. Hmm. Killer sushi at Sanraku, assorted smoothie drinks and peanut butter m&ms from the liquor store, and a hilariously failed attempt to decide on a bar that would be the most fun later put us right back where we started. Followed up with a breakfast at my favorite Curbside Cafe, it was essentially the perfectly imperfect night. I'll try to be back later in the summer, SF..
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memorial day weekend/a few days away from home
field of dreams
(American Apparel sexualitee as dress, random fringed scarf, Forever 21 tote, Sam Edelman boots)
Northern California is so beautiful.
I had kind of a Cher Horowitz moment getting dressed here..this AA piece is pretty damn sheer so I threw on this ever so substantial scarf I picked up at a cheesy boutique by my house last year and stuck my arms through the holes to keep it in place. Anyone know what scene I'm talking about? Sometimes it takes me a really long time to find the right time to wear something. And a new $17 tote from Forever21! I love the print.
revolve styleguide spring09
I was in the middle of working on a post right now when my extremely lovely booker Jen emailed me that the Style Guide I shot for Revolve is up..make sure to check out the video complete with utterly embarrassing clips of me playing a violin missing half it's strings. Much love to everyone at Revolve!
fairmont rm 552
(vintage DIY destroyed sweater, Noir spiked ball ring worn on chain, Emanuel Ungaro clutch)
I rediscovered this sweater I cut up last fall when I was packing my bags for SF, I never noticed before how cool the bell sleeves are. I think I'd be a much better dressed person if I had any kind of organizational system going on in my closets. I hope to someday render the concept of rediscovery invalid.
I had an amazing weekend in the Bay Area that I can't wait to share but for now I'm exhausted to the point of delirium..all I have to say is that California is way too big.
she appears composed so she is i suppose
(Topshop dress, vintage necklace, Alexander Wang bag, Oasis boots)
Never got around to posting these from right before I got my hair cut...I'll admit it's healthier now but I'm doing everything in my power to get it to grow back faster. I'm open to tips!
This is one of the lovely pieces that Topshop sent me that I decided to cut up to create my own slouchy version of the Sophomore dress I've been eyeing for months now. Couldn't be breezier. Literally.
the things we did before
(Emanuel Ungaro hoodie and studded tights, RVCA dress, Nine West wedges, Balenciaga bag)
I'm not actually as caffeine dependent as to need two temperatures of the good stuff handy simultaneously..mine is the iced. I always choose iced.
Combining two loves of mine, studs and tights, these caught my eye in a crazy way in Paris and they are a complete dream in real life too. I decided they deserved a little more than the usual ankle boot treatment and scrounged up these wedges I bought last spring.
Colin and I are driving up to San Francisco for the long weekend - excited for a change of scenery no matter how brief..and to see my family of course. Yeah!
silk road
(vintage silk shirt, leather fringe vest, and Levi's shorts, Aldo heels, Balenciaga bag, Noir studded ring)
The weather here has been so off and on that depending on what direction you drive in for 20 minutes, your attire can go from brilliantly planned (inside the confines of my bedroom) to burning hot (inland) to damn cold (back by the water again at sunset). Keeps things fun.
I choose white over cream whenever give a choice but I've been wearing this shirt semi-exclusively for the past week. After I got over the fact that it's missing the bottom two buttons, it quickly proved itself perfect for balancing out denim.
I got a lot of questions about my cats over the past couple days! Kumo (the gray one) is Persian and Bijou (the black one) is half Persian and half Himalayan. They quickly decided after they came home with us which human they wanted to claim to themselves..Bijou follows Colin's every last move and Kumo has attached himself pretty ferociously to me, going so far as to sleep with his head on my pillow every night. I really never thought it was possible to love an animal so much. I'm totally one of those people now.
horns on your shoulders
(Brian Lichtenberg tshirt and triangle necklace, Luxeshop talon necklace, American Apparel skirt)
Photographer: Julia Soler
Stylist & fashion editor: Ángela Esteban Librero
A couple weeks ago Angela and Julia from METAL magazine came down to SD to shoot me for the June issue..the weather was disgustingly gray so we ended up taking it indoors to our humble abode. As you can see, Kumo and Bijou were champs throughout. Between everyone laughing at our on-crack cat's antics, a spontaneous McDonald's run, and blasting every obnoxious song we could, we had a ton of fun. They brought a rack full of crazy amazing pieces - I particularly fell in love with the Brian Lichtenberg mesh dresses and even got to pet the glorious hair shoes. WOW. I offered up some of my own pieces for Angela to work in and she kind of created an awesomely amped up take on my style. I'll post the rest when the issue comes out.
backyard behavior
(American Apparel sweetheart two tone minidress)
Sometimes it feels good to lie around your backyard in a neon pink minidress (which btw I recommend to all who want to release their inner ice skater). To be honest, the randomness of what I wear around our place and the surrounding 100 foot radius is alarming. The UPS guy finds this pretty entertaining. Last time he came around he asked me, "So how big exactly is your shoe closet?"
Hmm..more like one trunk, two racks, multiple hanging organizers, a brimming car trunk, and still a surplus that invades the floor beneath the kitchen counter. But this was too intense to explain.
wrapped in chains
(Emanuel Ungaro hoodie and studded clutch, Forever 21 tshirt and shorts, Aldo t-strap heels)
Some of you may remember a most fairy tale-like experience I had in Paris back in March thanks to designer of Ungaro Esteban Cortazar. He was as charming and fun as he was generous with his time for me and Colin - from getting to see his show at the Louvre (if you must know, the invitations are propped up on my dresser next to all my jewelry) to having dinner at George's complete with a Kanye sighting, he made our time unforgettable. He was sweet enough to send me some of my favorite pieces from his fall collection to play around with...this dripping-in-chains angora hoodie was one of the most gasp inducing looks for me. I honestly removed it from the package as if it was an ancient fossil of sorts and Colin agreed upon trying it on that it was just ridiculously good. Complete with a two-way zipper, fierce little shoulder pads, and an extra slouchy hood, there's pretty much nothing I can think of that wouldn't look amazing with it, or the strawberry red clutch for that matter. Thank you Esteban, much love from California to Paris!
summer love salty hands open road
Flipping through an old issue of Purple magazine on Friday, I was riveted by this page immediately upon sight. British designer Clare Tough is responsible for the rainbow open knit next-to-nothings and accompanying blankety sweater. Perfect for getting cozy on the sand as the sun sets or bringing along for a road trip to nowhere in particular. There's something so strangely sexy about knits as the first layer on your skin, no?
(clare tough)
la and back
(Stolen Girlfriends Club lace bodysuit, Topshop patched jeans)
Weekend lounging in some new favorites..
Friday I had the unbelievable opportunity to model as well as style a spring style guide with Revolve. With previous issues having been styled by industry giants such as Rachel Zoe and Eric Daman from Gossip Girl, I was more than a little nervous but that faded into excitement when I arrived at their studio in downtown LA and got to pore over and pick from racks and racks of amazing pieces. Some favorites included the zipper back boot by Minimarket, a pair of Wayne culotte shorts, a Complex Geometries tunic, a Larsen Gray gray jersey cutout dress, a unicorn print crop top, and some brightly printed dresses perfect for the warmer weather. I posted some behind the scenes photos complete with teased out-to-there hair on Twitpic if you want to check them out. Thank you so much to the fun and talented team at Revolve!
(Erin x RVCA dress, vintage Escada sweater, Noir jewelry, Doc Marten 14 eye boots)
Well a minor trim turned into waving goodbye to a couple inches...this is why I hate having anyone touch my hair. Whatever..it grows faster in the warmer months anyway.
Springtime is essentially when I, along with the the bulk of femalekind, indulge myself in my favorite florals. I have a small collection of pieces that I'm satisfied enough with not to feel the pressure to expand - mainly a Forever21 cotton bustier, an unevenly hemmed floaty vintage number, the infamous Kate Moss pansy print, and now this perfect little tribute to the '90s. Speaking of which, Chasing Amy is on IFC right now and an infantile Affleck and Joey Lauren Adams in a mesh top are requiring my attention..
(Alexander Wang dress, Sam Edelman boots, Guess necklace)
What better place to take a picture of a dress inspired by the way a wet Tshirt clings to the body?
This weekend..gave both of our cats a bath, spent a day in Palm Springs on a whim, tried not to step on mutant ants, almost left my sunglasses in the desert, took pictures of a sandstorm and a sunset, witnessed bone chilling bus crash on the drive back, bought a mildly used white leather couch, decided lingonberry jam is the only kind worth eating, wore a long dress for multiple hours, broke a makeup mirror, shared the best crab dinner of my life at a restaurant with no plates, acquired a woven bracelet at an AMPM in the middle of nowhere, did four loads of laundry and screwed one up, painted my nails eggplant while watching Slumdog Millionaire, contemplated and didn't begin three diy projects, had Colin tell me that I need some new shoes because he's sick of mine, saw one of my best friends again after a year of both wondering if we were fighting, sat in the backseat of my Jeep for longer than I ever have and concluded that I liked it there, found out that my grandmother loves the blog, paid rent, changed outfits over ten times but wore my vintage Escada cardigan with most of them, rediscovered a crochet minidress, fell in love with pomegranate frozen yogurt, laughed into delirium on a pile of rugs, and took all my vitamins.
isle end
(vintage jacket and dress, Oasis laser-cut boots)
I can't believe it's taken me so long to get this mad little jacket on here..one of those $5 thrift store finds that was just meant to be. I find it pretty hilarious that the only things distinguishing it from a blanket are buttons and a good dose of black leather fringe. While all else changes, plaid is a constant.
Thank you to Oasis for the intricately beautiful boots.